
Thlaspi sylvium Gaudin

The Gornergrat is a great place to find the Matterhorn Pennycress. This rare species only grows in small and isolated populations around the Matterhorn.   A large part of its entire distribution area is found on Swiss soil. This is why the Matterhorn Pennycress is ranked among what are known as priority species in Switzerland and why it is of great importance in nature conservation.  

This perennial cruciferous plant (the elegant pennycress species belongs to the same plant family as the cabbage) grows between 5–15 cm tall and forms a white inflorescence and has a dark green leaf rosette at the bottom. As it remains small, it can survive the winter comfortably under the protective blanket of snow. 

Facts and Figures

The Matterhorn Pennycress does not compete well with other plants and finds it difficult to assert itself against large-leaved, more vigorous species. However, it has a high tolerance to heavy metals found in the soil and can also cope in tough habitats where few other species are able to survive.  


The Matterhorn Pennycress lives happily in the region. It is very undemanding and likes to grow in stony grassland and even in scree. The species is not common on the Gornergrat, but it can be found in the Alpine Garden.     more information

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