Glänzender Frauenmantel

Alchemilla splendens Christ

Shimmering Lady’s Mantle is a small but noteworthy plant found at Alpine altitudes. It belongs to the rose family. As lady’s mantle species are very similar, they can generally only be distinguished from each other by plant experts – because this is so difficult, they are sometimes classified together in groups known as aggregates.  The Shimmering Lady’s Mantle grows up to 20 cm high and has an ascending stem. The leaf stalks bear smooth hairs. The basal leaves have 9–11 lobes that only reach a quarter or fifth of the way to the base. They have attractive lustrous hair on the underside along the veins and edge of the leaf. The lobes are broad and rounded with 4–6 teeth on each side and a very small indented end tooth. The flower stems and calyx are also hairy. 

Facts and Figures

This species is not endangered in Switzerland. All lady’s mantle species are known for their use in traditional herbal medicine. Their leaves used to be used to treat stomach complaints and diarrhoea. 


Shimmering Lady’s Mantle is widespread in Switzerland, but its exact distribution is still largely unknown.    more information

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