Black-nosed sheep on the Gornergrat in summer

Frequently asked questions

We answer frequently asked questions about tickets, reductions and general questions about the Gornergrat.

Tickets and Discounts

Where can I buy a ticket for the Gornergrat Railway?
Can I reserve seats for the train?
How long is a return ticket valid?
May I get off and on again during my journey?
50% discount with a Half-Fare Ticket, General Season Ticket, Swiss Travel Pass and others
Children with the Junior Card and dogs travel free up to the Gornergrat  
30% discount for groups of 10 or more people

Gornergrat Experience

When is the best time to travel to the Gornergrat?
Gornergrat or Jungfraujoch?
Is there an age limit for the journey to the Gornergrat due to the altitude?
Can I travel up the Gornergrat in a wheelchair?
Is there a restaurant on the Gornergrat?
Is there free Wifi?
Is it allowed to fly drones on the Gornergrat?

Infomations about our Gift voucher

Our E-Guma Voucher Shop
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Our Day Planner

Explore the diversity of our offerings using our interactive map for a visual overview of activities. Alternatively, relax and trust our Day Planner to effortlessly tailor a personalized program for you.

mys-Gornergrat Bahn-Kundencenter MGBahn
Gornergrat Bahn

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